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Sign up to be notified about next season

Registration closes and waitlist opens July 27, 2024

Practices start the week of August 12, 2024

Games start the week of August 27, 2024

There will be 10 games, plus playoffs, wrapping up mid-November, 2024

New Player Evaluation for new players age 7 and above: July 18 and July 27, 2024


Registration fees

Earlybird through May 8: $140

Regular, May 8-June 30: $165

Late, July 1 on: $205

Sibling discount $10 per child

About our players

Girls and boys with birthdays between 9/1/2006 and 8/31/2019 are eligible to play in the 2024 season. Five-year olds and 15-17 year olds play on co-ed teams, all others are split into boys and girls. 

we need coaches!

Volunteer coaches and assistant coaches are the heart of our league: without them we cannot play! Our coaches are the parents and family members of our players. No experience is necessary: we welcome new coaches! We'll bring you up-to-speed on the basics and we'll provide helpful links and info where you can learn more about the great sport of soccer.

To get started, click on the Coach's Page:

GYS Pledge

5 6 7 Year Pledge

I will listen to my coach,

I will follow the rules,

I will have fun.


We are GYS Soccer Players.

We will respect our team, our opponents and officials at all times,

We will play fair and work hard

And win or lose, we will always do our best.

Follow us on INSTAGRAM: @glendorayouthsoccer


Reminder: As stated during registration, GYS is willing to grant refunds if they are requested prior to August 1, 2024. 

Lost and Found

Please contact your division director if you've lost or found an item.

Tips For the Heat

Although the Air Quality may remain acceptable, during days of excessive heat, it is advisable to restrict activities and increase hydration. All coaches, parents and players are recommended to use their best judgement during excessive heat. Parents always have the right to limit, restrict or exclude their child from practice and/or games. During games please prepare early - begin hydrating the morning of, or even the day before the game, bring ample water to the game, and wear plenty of sunscreen. Referees may allow longer quarter and half-time breaks and allow additional substitutions as needed.

Soccer Camps and Clinics

GYS works with most local soccer organizations to help promote camps and other soccer related events in addition to our regular season  For more information, click on the "Soccer Programs" tab on the top of the page

GYS Webmaster

GYS Webmaster

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